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Department of English

Competence in English is essential for engineering students in that they have to study their core subjects and acquire engineering knowledge through texts written in English. Moreover, they must write mini-thesis, internship reports, presentations and projects as partial fulfillment of their graduation requirements. In doing so, they must take full advantage of their competency in English. More importantly, being able to communicate effectively within the engineering community as well as the society is set as one of the graduate attributes for engineering students in Engineering education. Therefore, English is prescribed as a compulsory subject for all engineering students at TUs.

To help engineering students from Technological University (Thanlyin) to gain such attribute and to be competent in English, language teachers of the department of English facilitate them in earnest to hone their language skills using updated course books and materials. Adopting the sophisticated teaching techniques, the English language teachers help the students to develop not only their language competency but also the 21st century skills, highly demanded skills in this century, in the most resourceful and motivating learning environment. The multimedia classroom of English Department provides the students with audio-visual facilities to be more involved in their classroom activities such as group discussion, role play games in order to develop their accuracy and fluency with the guidance of teachers. In addition, teachers from department of English also support students with competitive language skills to win scholarship awards as their path to success.

Department of English is composed of 20 teaching staff who earned Master of Arts (M.A), majoring in English. At present, 2 associate professors, 5 lecturers, 8 assistant lecturers and 5 tutors are now taking the responsibility to equip future engineers from TTU with essential language tool. Keeping the adopted visions and missions in mind, all English language teachers from TTU always upgrade their teaching skills and improve language competency through continuing professional development (CPD) activities to provide their students with the essential language tool for their professional career.

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